British Columbia flashing green traffic light Equals pedestrian-controlled intersection - PracandySpot

Image: Andrew Yi 

Traffic signal lights in British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon and other parts of Canada feature a flashing green traffic light to indicate it as a "pedestrian-controlled" intersection; meaning the traffic signal has a request to cross button that has not been pressed by a pedestrian yet, drivers should proceed through the intersection as normal but be ready to stop if the light turns into a "stale" green.

steady green light — green means go only if the intersection is clear, and it is safe to do so.

• stale green light — a stale green light is one that has been green for a long time, and is about to turn yellow. If you didn't see the light turn green, then it may be stale. Look for additional clues:

– are there a lot of cars lined up on the cross street waiting for the light to change?

– in many areas, the crosswalk signal will change from a white figure to an orange hand just before the light turns yellow, or will show how many seconds are left before the traffic light will change.

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